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Evaluation 2 of "The Macroeconomic Impact of Climate Change: Global vs. Local Temperature"

Evaluation of "The Macroeconomic Impact of Climate Change: Global vs. Local Temperature" for The Unjournal.

Published onJan 11, 2025
Evaluation 2 of "The Macroeconomic Impact of Climate Change: Global vs. Local Temperature"


The paper’s empirical innovation is simple: estimating the impacts of temperature on GDP using global time-series data, implicitly capturing the relationship between global temperatures, extreme events, and GDP without modelling all intermediate pathways. This idea, combined with their rigorous analytic approach, may have far-reaching implications due to the huge magnitude of the resulting estimates.

Given the small sample size used to estimate their main results (N<60), robustness checks and cautious inference are essential. I recommend additional checks, which may increase their uncertainty estimates, and could result in either higher or lower estimated impacts.

Summary Measures

We asked evaluators to give some overall assessments, in addition to ratings across a range of criteria. See the evaluation summary “metrics” for a more detailed breakdown of this. See these ratings in the context of all Unjournal ratings, with some analysis, in our data presentation here.1


90% Credible Interval

Overall assessment


80 - 100

Journal rank tier, normative rating


4.5 - 5.0

Overall assessment (See footnote2)

Journal rank tier, normative rating (0-5): On a ‘scale of journals’, what ‘quality of journal’ should this be published in?3 Note: 0= lowest/none, 5= highest/best.

Written report

Summary of the paper and its contributions

This paper has two parts. First, it uses reduced form regression analysis to estimate the causal relationship between global temperature and GDP. Second, it integrates these estimates into a neoclassical growth model to calculate the Social Cost of Carbon.

The paper’s primary contribution lies in its innovative approach to estimating climate damages. Whilst a large and influential previous literature uses country (or subnational) panel data on GDP and temperature to estimate damages before aggregating to the global level (Dell, Jones, and Olken, 2012[1]; Burke, Hsiang, and Miguel, 2015[2]; Kalkuhl and Wenz, 2020)[3], Bilal and Kanzig (BK) take a different approach. They use time series regressions to directly estimate the relationship between global temperature shocks and global GDP, resulting in significantly larger damage estimates4 (Berg, Curtis, and Mark, 2024[4]; Nath, Ramey, and Klenow, 2024)[5]. BK argue that their larger estimates arise because global temperature is a stronger predictor of extreme climate events than local, country level temperature, which is used in previous studies. To support this claim, they examine how global and local temperature influence the likelihood of four extreme climatic events that cause economic damage: extreme heat, droughts, high winds, and heavy precipitation. They find that global temperature strongly predicts these extreme events, whilst local temperature does not. Interestingly they find that ocean temperature, rather than land temperature, is mostly responsible for the impacts of temperature on GDP, since ocean temperature is a more direct driver of these extreme events.

A secondary contribution relates to the method used to translate their reduced form regression results into structural damage functions and estimate the Social Cost of Carbon (SCC). While this section introduces some technical refinements compared to previous studies, these adjustments seem to have only a modest impact on the results. When BK input estimates of local temperature impacts into their model, the results align more closely with those of earlier research. The primary driver of their larger SCC estimates is the significantly higher empirical damage estimates derived from their global temperature approach.

BK’s SCC estimate is nearly an order of magnitude larger than those from previous studies, with profound policy implications. For instance, BK estimate a domestic SCC of $273 for the United States, suggesting that unilateral US decarbonization would be cost-effective (since this is substantially higher than the costs of emissions abatement in the US). Thus, if adopted by policymakers, this estimate could fundamentally reshape our understanding of international climate negotiations. By reducing the significance of the “free rider” problem—long seen as a major obstacle to collective action—these findings could catalyse more ambitious and unilateral climate policies, challenging the traditional coordination challenges that have hindered global progress.

Overall, I believe this is an important contribution which the climate impacts community should take seriously. However, in this review5 I also outline some potential concerns (all of which I think the authors would be likely to be able to address).

BK’s main analysis is conducted with a small sample size (roughly 50-60 years) and their model contains many parameters (at least 8), which make careful inference and extensive robustness checks crucial. I suggest a variety of additional robustness checks, and that BK conduct a simulation study to provide verification that their approach to quantifying statistical uncertainty is likely to produce valid confidence intervals. I suggest additional caveats that should be incorporated into the welfare analysis and projections, especially related to the possibility of non-linear impacts, climate tipping points, or significant unmodeled adaptation.

Also, when BK compare their results to the previous literature, they compare their results to those from a model that doesn’t allow for non-linear effects or for permanent growth effects, which contrasts with the models used in those previous analyses. This may confound their comparison to previous work.

Further, the approach in this paper assumes that the in-sample relationships between temperature and extreme events is informative about that covariance in a changing climate. If climate change alters the relationship between global average temperature and extreme events, this assumption is invalid. BK could analyse CMIP projections6 to get a sense of how much of an impact this could have on their results. If climate change does change the distribution of extreme events, then BK would need to estimate and project damages from each extreme event type separately.

In the rest of this review, I first outline some strengths, and then some limitations and suggestions for BK’s analysis.


  • Data

    • BK assemble a new dataset on climate and the economy. Temperature data is taken from BEST, extreme events from ISIMIP, and GDP data from the Penn World Tables, Work Bank, and Jordà-Schularick-Taylor Macro-history database. These are appropriate data sources and allow them to construct a longer series of data than most existing climate impact studies. Including ISIMIP allows them to test the mechanisms for their larger impacts, something that most previous temperature-GDP studies don’t do.

  • Replicability

    • BK made the code and data used to estimate the key empirical regressions publicly available. This is unusually transparent for an economics paper, most of which do not make anything public until after publication.

    • All the data used in this paper is publicly available, so BK presumably will publish a full replication package upon acceptance at a journal.

  • Empirical strategy

    • BK use local projections to estimate the impact of annual global temperature on GDP. This is likely to be more robust to misspecification than a more parametric approach, although BK also show they can obtain similar results using a VAR in their appendix.

  • Robustness Checks

    • BK conduct extensive robustness checks, paying particular attention to the possibility of omitted variables bias, reverse causality, and external validity (which they proxy for using the stability of their results across time periods).

    • The additional appendix robustness checks in Appendix A are very impressive! They use multiple datasets, check for influential observations, and many other things.


Comments on empirical analysis

1. Inference with a (very) small sample7

  • BK’s main results are calculated using a regression of around 50 observations. The regression appears to have at least 7 parameters.

  • In this setting, with the number of parameters a substantial portion of the sample size, it’s not clear that the asymptotic approximations required to justify their frequentist confidence intervals are appropriate.

  • I would suggest providing simulation evidence to illustrate the validity of their confidence regions in their setting, with time series data, few observations, and lots of parameters.

    • Corrections to the heteroskedasticity robust standard error estimator are available for cases where the number of parameters is a non-negligible proportion of the sample size, for example: Cattaneo, Jansson, and Newey (2018)[6]. Simulation evidence could help to confirm whether this type of correction is likely to lead to valid inference.

2. Comparison to previous ‘local’ temperature estimates

  • BK’s local temperature model (Equation 4a) doesn’t allow the impacts of country level (local) temperature to be non-linear.

  • Further, BK’s model does not allow for a permanent growth effect.

  • BK claim that previous studies (e.g. Dell, Jones, and Olken, 2012;[1]Burke, Hsiang, and Miguel, 2015[2]; Nath, Ramey, and Klenow, 2024)[5] find impacts of only 1% from a 1c shock, but those papers allow for non-linear impacts, or for permanent growth effect. Therefore, the comparison to the previous literature seems a bit artificial.

  • To make a valid comparison to the previous literature, BK could allow the local temperature model to have non-linear effects, and permanent growth effects.

    • They could also check that when they do so, the local temperature model that they are comparing to reproduces the results (e.g. damage from climate change) in the underlying studies. This would likely require a (very short) separate analysis for each model they are comparing to.

3. Levels vs growth effects

  • BK assume that the impacts of temperature shocks go to zero after 10 periods. This is in contrast to some previous influential climate impacts studies (Burke, Hsiang, and Miguel 2015)[2], which assume a permanent growth effect.

  • Qualitatively, GDP does not seem to have fully reverted to the mean after 10 years in BK’s main figures. Some mechanisms are still persistent after 10 years, e.g. effect of drought, Figure A.13. Also, some regions seem to be facing significant impacts; SE Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa, Figure 12.

  • It would be good to show the impacts for more than 10 years out, and to include a robustness check SCC calculation which allows for longer run effects (this will come at a cost of using fewer observations).

4. Extreme event thresholds

Extreme weather events are defined relative to thresholds, such that ‘the extreme heat, drought, extreme precipitation and extreme wind indices have a baseline probability of 0.05, 0.25, 0.01 and 0.01’. Where do these come from? Are the results robust to other thresholds?

5. Asymmetric effect of hot and cold shocks

BK include a robustness check (Figure A.9) which allows the impact of hot and cold shocks to be different. It appears that hot shocks are more damaging, which is in line with previous climate impacts literature. However, this specification is not used apart from in this robustness check. It would be good to see the country level impacts in this specification, and the impacts on extreme events, given most empirical work to date has found non-linear impacts of temperature.

6. Is the two-step procedure necessary?

  • BK use a two-step procedure to estimate the causal impact of temp on GDP. In the first step, they estimate temperature shocks as residuals from a 2 step ahead AR(2) forecast. However, this is found to be numerically very similar to using the regression residuals from a 1 step forecast.

  • This approach is quite confusing for those used to the climate impacts literature. As BK note, it is numerically equivalent to estimate the model in one step with appropriate controls (not for the main model used in the text, but for the robustness check model which uses AR(2) residuals as the temperature shocks). It could be easier to understand if the main model was swapped to this one, so it can be estimated in one step.

Comments on SCC / welfare effects calculations

7. Validity of using past covariances between temperature and extreme events to project future damages

  • Existing climate impact studies generally control for precipitation when estimating and projecting the impacts of temperature. One reason for doing this, rather than loading precipitation impacts onto the temperature damage estimates implicitly through their covariances in historical data, is that climate change may affect the covariance between temperature and precipitation and other extreme events. If this is the case, then damage projections would need to separately project extreme events from temperature, rather than assuming the past covariance to temperature is directly informative.

  • It would be good to include some citations or analysis of CMIP projections to check how / if this could bias projected estimates. Or, at a minimum, some sense of how projections of extreme events look. How are extreme events trending in sample? How are they expected to trend in projections?

  • Kotz, Levermann, and Wenz (2022)[7] provide projections for some extreme event indicators, which could be used in this analysis.

8. Extrapolation

  • BK assume that the in-sample relationship between weather and GDP in [the present in the sample] are informative about those in the future, and can be extrapolated forward.

  • It’s certainly possible that this is not the case: e.g. due to climate tipping points which could imply a big increase in extreme events after a relatively small temperature increase (increased impacts), or unexpected technology shocks facilitating cheaper adaptation (decreased impacts). Whilst there isn’t much BK can do to incorporate these into their analysis, I think they are important caveats when interpreting the magnitude of their results in a policy context, and this isn’t discussed much in the paper’s current draft.

  • This is especially relevant since the identifying variation in BK’s temperature shock measure is very small – they are extrapolating the impacts of small deviations in weather to project the effect of large changes in climate.

9. Non-market damages

Other papers (Carleton et al. 2022;[8] Rennert et al. 2022)[9] have found that non-market impacts compose the largest portion of the SCC. Therefore, using only GDP to estimate the impacts of climate change may severely undercount total damages needed for an SCC calculation.

Clarifying questions

  1. BK say that BHM (Burke, Hsiang, and Miguel, 2015[2]) find impacts of 1C temp rise as 1-2% at most. But, BHM states that RCP8.5 implies global damages of around 25% of global GDP (see their Fig. 5D). It would be good to know how specifically how they calculate that BHM only find this smaller value (also for comparison to DJO and Nath et al) (Burke, Hsiang, and Miguel, 2015[2]; Dell, Jones, and Olken, 2012[1]; Nath, Ramey, and Klenow, 2024)[5].

  2. Does running country level regressions (using panel regression models and non-linear effects) with the extra four extreme climate variables increase SCC estimates to a similar magnitude as when BK use global temperature directly? This would require projecting the four extreme climate variables (which is going on implicitly in the current approach).

    • Or is it only when also applying the other machinery in this paper that the results get so large? This would help explain what exactly the key departure is from the previous literature.


[1]Dell, Melissa, Benjamin F Jones, and Benjamin A Olken. 2012. ‘Temperature Shocks and Economic Growth: Evidence from the Last Half Century’. American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 4 (3): 66–95.

[2]Burke, Marshall, Solomon Hsiang, and Edward Miguel. 2015. ‘Global Non-Linear Effect of Temperature on Economic Production’. Nature 527 (7577): 235–39.

[3]Kalkuhl, Matthias, and Leonie Wenz. 2020. ‘The Impact of Climate Conditions on Economic Production. Evidence from a Global Panel of Regions’. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 103 (September):102360.

[4]Berg, Kimberly A., Chadwick C. Curtis, and Nelson C. Mark. 2024. ‘GDP and Temperature: Evidence on Cross-Country Response Heterogeneity’. European Economic Review 169 (October):104833.

[5]Nath, Ishan B, Valerie A Ramey, and Peter J Klenow. 2024. ‘How Much Will Global Warming Cool Global Growth?’

[6]Cattaneo, Matias D., Michael Jansson, and Whitney K. Newey. 2018. ‘Inference in Linear Regression Models with Many Covariates and Heteroscedasticity’. Journal of the American Statistical Association 113 (523): 1350–61.

[7]Kotz, Maximilian, Anders Levermann, and Leonie Wenz. 2022. ‘The Effect of Rainfall Changes on Economic Production’. Nature 601 (7892): 223–27.

[8]Carleton, Tamma, Amir Jina, Michael Delgado, Michael Greenstone, Trevor Houser, Solomon Hsiang, Andrew Hultgren, et al. 2022. ‘Valuing the Global Mortality Consequences of Climate Change Accounting for Adaptation Costs and Benefits’. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, April, qjac020.

[9]Rennert, Kevin, Frank Errickson, Brian C. Prest, Lisa Rennels, Richard G. Newell, William Pizer, Cora Kingdon, et al. 2022. ‘Comprehensive Evidence Implies a Higher Social Cost of CO2’. Nature, September, 1–3.

Evaluator details

  1. How long have you been in this field?

    • 7 years

  2. How many proposals and papers have you evaluated?

    • Around 5

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