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Evaluation Summary and Metrics: "Do Celebrity Endorsements Matter? A Twitter Experiment Promoting Vaccination In Indonesia"

Evaluation Summary and Metrics: "Do Celebrity Endorsements Matter? A Twitter Experiment Promoting Vaccination In Indonesia"

Published onAug 25, 2023
Evaluation Summary and Metrics: "Do Celebrity Endorsements Matter? A Twitter Experiment Promoting Vaccination In Indonesia"

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Paper: “Do Celebrity Endorsements Matter? A Twitter Experiment Promoting Vaccination In Indonesia”

Note on versions:

Each evaluator considered the most recent version of the working paper that was available at the time of their evaluation.1

Authors: Vivi Alatas, Arun G. Chandrasekhar, Markus Mobius, Benjamin A. Olken, And Cindy Paladines

This paper was selected as part of our (NBER) direct evaluation track.

We organized two evaluations of this paper. To read these evaluations, please click the link at the bottom.

Evaluation Manager’s Notes

Why we chose this paper

This work seems important methodologically and practically, both for understanding the effect of social media (and perhaps ‘polarization’ as well) and for health and other interventions involving debiasing and education (e.g., Development Media International). 

How we chose the evaluators

We sought expertise in

  • Empirical (econometric-style) analysis with peer-effects/networks, direct and indirect effects, causal inference

  • Field experiments (on social media), social media data (esp. Twitter)

  • Vaccine adoption, global health, Indonesian context

Evaluation process

  • We shared THIS document with evaluators, suggesting some ways in which the paper might be considered in more detail

  • This process took over 8 months — far longer than expected and targeted. Delays occurred because:

    • We had difficulty commissioning qualified evaluators.

    • One highly qualified evaluator agreed to the assignment but was not able to find the time to complete it

    • With a third evaluator (in between the two mentioned above) we had a communication error. The evaluator considered a much earlier version of the paper (the 2019 NBER version). Thus we are not posting this evaluation.

  • Because of these delays we requested Anirudh Tagat, a member of our Management Team, to write the second (final) evaluation. We do not see any obvious conflicts of interest here. Anirudh did not select this paper for evaluation, did not reach out to evaluators, and had no strong connection to the authors. Anirudh will exempt himself for consideration of the ‘most informative evaluation’ prize (or will exempt himself from the adjudication of this).

  •  As per The Unjournal’s policy, the paper’s authors were invited and given two weeks to provide a public response to these evaluations before we posted them. They did not provide a response, but they are invited to do so in the future (and if they do, we will post and connect it here).

Metrics (all evaluators)


Evaluator 1: Anonymous

Rating category

Rating (0-100)

Confidence (low to high)*

Evaluation manager’s note: Evaluators were asked to either give a 90% CI or a ‘confidence rating’ on a scale of 1-5

See discussion here and here

Additional comments (optional)

Overall assessment


3 dots

I think this is a topic which really needs empirical research, and is also difficult to test empirically- bumped up a little bit because of this.

Advancing knowledge and practice


3 dots

I think this paper advances our knowledge and tackles a real gap in the field, but is also far off from being implemented into policy (many uncertainties remaining, unclear generalisability)

Methods: Justification, reasonableness, validity, robustness


2 dots

I am unsure if the potential methodological problems I spotted are real problems or not; may change judgement based on author’s response

Logic & communication


3 dots

Open, collaborative, replicable


2 dots

Could change this view if the code/ data is available somewhere and I’ve missed it

Engaging with real-world, impact quantification; practice, realism, and relevance


3 dots

Relevance to global priorities


3 dots

Evaluator 2: Tagat

Rating category

Rating (0-100)

90% CI for this rating

Please give a range: (low,high)(low,high)
Where: 0LowRatingHigh1000 \leq Low \leq Rating \leq High \leq 100

E.g., with a rating of 50, you might give a CI of (42, 61)

Confidence (low to high)*

Overall assessment


(78, 90)


Advancing knowledge and practice




Methods: Justification, reasonableness, validity, robustness


(74, 83)


Logic & communication


(80, 89)


Open, collaborative, replicable


(70, 81)


Engaging with real-world, impact quantification; practice, realism, and relevance2


(91, 100)


Relevance to global priorities


(89, 100)


See here for details on the categories above.


Evaluator 1: Anonymous

Evaluator 2: Tagat

Prediction metric

Rating (0-5) (low to high)

Confidence (0-5)
High = 5, Low = 0

Rating (0-5)

Confidence (0-5)
High = 5, Low = 0

What ‘quality journal’ do you expect this work will be published in?





On a ‘scale of journals’, what tier journal should this be published in?





See here for details on the metrics above

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